1. Use the Best Quality Tools
There are various tools for painting, cleaning purpose afterward and for covering the essentials. Make sure you get your hands on the right and the high-quality tools especially the paintbrushes. Ever wondered how does the work of experts from residential commercial painting services is on fleek? Well, the reason is the same, they use high-quality tools. So, invest in the right tools so that you won’t have to worry about the end results of the project.
2. Always Wash New Rollers

People usually buy new rollers and start painting without washing it, this makes the loose fluff present on the roller to stick onto the walls along with the paint and hence leaves unpleasant textures on the newly painted walls. Therefore, to prevent such a flaw, make sure that you wash the newly bought rollers properly to remove all the fuzz and flecks off it.
3. Paint One Wall at a Time

When you start the work, make sure that you don’t trim, cut and corner all the walls at once. Do it one by one for example; cut the wall and paint the whole of it, once it is done, then move to the other one. Doing so lets the end result to be much streamlined and better. You must also have noticed this trick followed by the pros from residential commercial painting services.
4. How to Paint the Edges of the Wall Having Textured Ceilings

The problem arises when you come near the point where the wall and ceiling meets, and your ceiling is textured. No one would want to have the edges of their walls having rough-textured paints because of their ceilings. This thing won’t create a problem unless your ceiling installer was clever enough to leave one or two inches from the wall but if it is not the case then you can use a screwdriver having flat edge and use it as a scraper to scrape off the texture from the edge of the walls so that you can easily get smooth and straight paint there as well.
5. Remove the Switch Plates

A pro tip that you can observe the professionals from residential interior painting services is that rather than taping the switch plates with double or triple layers of tape just to protect them from the paint, they simply take a screwdriver and remove them. This not only makes it easier for you to paint around those areas but also provides flawless coverage without creating a mess.
6. Don’t Tape but Scrape the Windows

Covering the whole window would require a greater amount of plastic or tape whatever you would be using to do so but the paint somehow reaches the window glass. You can cut the cost of tape/plastic by not covering the windows and scraping off the paint after the completion. Paint usually comes off the glass surfaces pretty easily so, once it is completely dried, use a razor blade to scrape it off, it would come off in no time.