Outdoor gear can be expensive, but it’s built to last. After a few seasons, you may find yourself with closets full of used Arcteryx jackets, old tents, and well-worn boots you no longer need.
Instead of letting your gear gather dust, consider these options to give it new life:
Resell Your Gear
One of the best things you can do is resell your used gear. Sites like GearTrade, Poshmark, eBay, and even Craigslist make it easy to list your items for sale.
Take high-quality photos and provide detailed descriptions to attract buyers.
Items like used Arcteryx jackets tend to hold their value well, and you can often recover 50-75% of the original price if they’re in good condition.
For heavily used items, you may only get 10-25% back, but every bit helps.
Pro tip: Clean your gear thoroughly before listing it for sale. No one wants smelly, stained clothes or a tent full of dirt!
Repair and Refurbish Your Gear
With some repairs, you can breathe new life into your well-worn outdoor equipment. Check zippers, seams, tent poles, and buckles for damage.
Replace broken parts and make fixes to extend the usable life.
Many brands like Osprey and Patagonia also offer repair services for their products. Take advantage of warranty repairs or affordable fixes from the manufacturer.
Minor repairs like patching holes or re-waterproofing a jacket are also doable at home. Watch some DIY videos to pick up the skills you need.
Donate Your Used Gear
If selling or repairing your equipment isn’t worthwhile, donating is a great option. Outdoor gear donations help get supplies to people in need through organizations like:
- Goodwill – Accepts used sporting goods and clothing in good condition. Provides job opportunities in local communities.
- Big City Mountaineers – Provides outdoor experiences for underserved urban youth. Accepts lightly used gear.
- Gear Forward – Distributes donated gear to support veterans. Focused on outdoor equipment like packs, tents, and sleeping bags.
- Local charities and gear swaps – Check outdoor clubs, schools, scouts, and community centers for donation opportunities.
Take the tax deduction, and feel good knowing your gear is helping someone in need. Win-win!

Repurpose and Upcycle
With some creativity, you can give old gear new life around the home. Turn a ragged tent into a playhouse for the kids.
Cut up wetsuits or waders to make bags or iPad cases. Old carabiners and trekking poles can become plant hangers. The possibilities are endless!
Check Pinterest and YouTube for upcycling ideas. You might be surprised what you can make with those worn-out boots and backpacks.
Instead of letting your old gear collect dust, utilize these options to clear out your closets and do some good.
Our used gear often still has a lot of life left with some repairs, updates, and creativity.
By reselling, donating, or repurposing equipment, you can recover some costs, help those in need, and keep things out of landfills. It’s a win for you and the environment.
So go gather up that unused gear today! With some effort, you can give it renewed purpose while freeing up space for future adventures.